Worlds Together

Posted Posted in Empowered to Impact

Being back in Ljubljana, after spending a few days in New York City, and still under the impression of connecting and learning with some amazing people there, and streamlining/sharpening my vision for 2018, I am thinking about the similarities and differences among different places. And how we function about the environment we are in, and […]

Be The One

Posted Posted in Empowered to Impact

I have been struggling with myself whether to use this cliche and self-explanatory title, but it kept coming out in my thoughts, in random trendy songs and received posts, so it is. Be The One. Be The One in many ways – for your reasons, for what drives you, for what you stand for, for who […]

Balancing the Balance

Posted Posted in Empowered to Impact

Summer-summer-summer time…ahh, I love it. The combination of sun, warmth, water, more time spent outdoors in nature, more time for fun and relaxation, lighter and brighter energies, and the feeling of being aligned with me. It is also a time to digest the first half of the year and set energies for the next period […]