Be Grateful and Free

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Power Stories

BE GRATEFUL AND FREE Power story by Sophia Sikhosana, Author, Coach, and Speaker Reflecting on how my life used to be, I’m always motivated to teach and inspire people about the power of gratitude as an internal resource to set them free from anxiety and depression. We all know the saying “Thank you goes a […]

Waves of Life Harmony

Posted Posted in Power Stories

Story Waves of Life Harmony was written for #bepowerfulandfree by an inspiring soul, reflecting on life’s journey and her new home *************** This little poem came to me in conversation with a Mozambican artist. We were discussing the phrase “Errar es humano” (in Portuguese meaning it is human to make mistakes): Relax… Mistakes are Human […]

Catalyst for Change

Posted Posted in Empowered to Impact

Going personally through a heart-empowering process, looking back at the last few months how situations and insights were unfolding, and revealing more and more clearly what was and is inside, behind, and above. You know, those “pink elephants in the room”, or the scenes from The Emperor’s New Cloths – it’s really amazing how it […]

Powerful Feminine Inspires

Posted Posted in Leadership

It was inspiring and eye-opening lately to think and discuss on several occasions about the current state of society, the role of leadership, and what feminine leadership is, and what it could bring into society and its development. These discussions brought out many conditioned learned behavior in our society how we use our feminine and […]

Embrace Life

Posted Posted in Personal Mastery

Tomorrow will be already 5 years since my dad passed away. That day was one of those days that make life shifts, that change everyone affected, that mark the difference between before and after. Looking back at these 5 years, it could be that I have learned during these years even more from my dad […]