Be-Do-Have Success after Success

Posted Posted in Leadership

Be-Do-Have Success After Success Written by Tanja Bogataj, Leadership and Transformational Coach and Consultant | Founder and Practitioner of #bepowerfulandfree Approach I’m borrowing a life success formula by Zig Ziglar as one part of the success equation. He said, “you have to be before you can do, and do before you can have”. And I’m […]

Saying Goodbyes

Posted Posted in Personal Mastery

There’s so much rain lately in our part of the world. For us fire energies seem a bit too much, a bit too watery. It’s hard to not loosen up. You eventually surrender to the flow. It’s quite cleansing after you do. It’s supposed to be in nature anyway. After Remembrance Day, and some situations […]

Keep swimming

Posted Posted in Empowered to Impact

It’s been two weeks since my latest D-day when I changed my employment and the way of working and living after so many many years. It’s interesting how one environment and everything that goes along provides so much and serves for so long, and then the next day things change. You are the same, but […]