Story Waves of Life Harmony was written for #bepowerfulandfree by an inspiring soul, reflecting on life’s journey and her new home
This little poem came to me in conversation with a Mozambican artist. We were discussing the phrase “Errar es humano” (in Portuguese meaning it is human to make mistakes):
Mistakes are Human
Our Perfection is our Imperfection
Embrace every imperfect moment
For in Essence
It is Perfect
I hope to live its essence more each day. I invite you to join me.
It is almost three months since I set off from Europe on a four-year journey to Africa, for the first time as a family. Our new home is in Maputo, Mozambique. The city is on the Indian Ocean, offering an amazing atmosphere. When in proximity to this tremendous living being, I look at its horizon and take a deep breath. Aaaah!
My time so far was mainly focused on getting the daily rhythms established, meeting new people, in government, in the private sector, on the streets, in the new school, in nature reserves, and on the beach… Some new colleagues, some new friends. My task in part is the establishment of an enabling environment for the private sector for sustainable energy projects. In this process I find the necessity of first establishing a supportive local base… in other words my personal enabling environment!
There is a flow, sometimes surprisingly filled with the most amazing grace, other times humbled by a variety of challenges with the lack of material and social services and the contrasts of economic and social disparity. Yet, this does not seem to impact the great majority of people who express happiness on their faces and lively body language. I am reminded of a completely different value set of what it means to be alive.
The ongoing general election process in Mozambique is scheduled to be completed by mid-October. I’m sad to mention that violent outbursts in some northern provinces have been happening while hardly covered by mainstream public media. Unfortunately, Mozambique is currently ranked first in the world for money laundering, while basic needs such as education and medical services are widely unmet for the majority of the population. This is not visible in the capital city Maputo where life is quite comfortable, especially for the expats and the established locals.
There is an inherent potential in my job to develop the capacity of both public and private sectors following the principles of the free market economy. I am happy to be part of this, and I also feel a call for a contribution of how to improve the existing administration system. Perhaps confronted by the enormity of such a task anywhere in the world, my question goes deeper into the unknown. Arising a deep longing to travel further in my exploration of meaning and meaninglessness which may be described by Rumi’s field: ”Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”
When I let myself adventure into this direction with my heart, and my mind set free, I find that I blame others less for shortsighted action. In the process, I am also learning to blame myself less. The process of humble acceptance that there is an inherent life harmony – whether I do something or not – is anchored within me.
I have a choice every day, every hour, every second to align with this harmony or … stress out on an endless variety of themes! I am so grateful that my body so readily responds to the choice of alignment with a visceral joy that arises throughout my being. And then there are moments of oblivion, my energy drops based on a variety of reasons. I try to remember to make this, what feels like an inner shower of joy more often with conscious breaths anywhere and everywhere.
This is helpful especially as I reside in and go through many not cared for public places and offices. I think of the “tragedy of the commons” concept. Our current global economic model is not calibrated enough to add value for shared public resources if there is no obvious governing system (and leadership), which regulates the optimal use of these resources. Yet, before regulation, the support for the development of a culture with inherent knowing that respect and value for our surroundings come from the understanding and living the principles of self-respect, honorable value creation, and exchange and gratitude.
I am grateful that a certain joy and anticipation for each of my days is in the air, both towards the known and the unknown. The fully connected virtual world is present here and time becomes an ever more precious resource. It’s hard to say now, in this immediate run, where this journey will lead. I do notice becoming a bit more patient with my expectations, both to myself and to others while still gazing at and communing with the stars. With this awareness, I dedicate myself to going deeper into Life Harmony.
So today practice relaxing:
Mistakes are Human.
Our Perfection is our Imperfection.
Embrace every imperfect moment.
For – in Essence
It is Perfect!