Reflecting on Personal Power and Coaching Process, by Klavdija Merc Godler (April 2017):
‘Everyone wants to feel powerful, but there are events in life that can take away your power and make you feel insecure and small. That is how I felt before I started coaching. I wanted to move forward, but I couldn’t find the right tool or a way, that was fit for me. Listening to the advice of others was cool, but I never owned those ideas or statements.
My main topic for coaching was my personal power. Coaching helped me to get to know myself better, find out different parts of my personality, and accept myself as a whole. I am very grateful for this process because it helped me to love and accept myself even more.
I feel empowered in the sense that I am aware of searching for answers for moving forward inside of me… and I always know I can rely on or depend on myself. I also learned to give myself credit and be ‘eco-friendly’ to myself, because I deserve it. So was it life-changing? Yes, definitely. I would warmly suggest coaching to anyone, who is willing to make some positive change.
My power statement is: Get to Know Yourself and Co-Create Life!’