Being Powerful Creator
by Lana (15y young #bepowerfulandfree spirit)
In the end, I only have me,
which means I have to be independent and free.
My mistakes help me grow,
so I just go with the flow.
I speak my mind,
even if the truth is hard to find.
The truth will always be first.
You have to show yourself to the world,
otherwise, you will never be heard.
We are all our beautiful selves,
so don’t put your mind into a self-prison cell.
We all are unique,
and for that, some people might give you a critique.
But in the end, you are left with the life you choose to live,
so make sure you will learn to forgive.
You have to look back and say,
woah Mom I did it! I feel great!
I wrote down my journey with all roads,
which sometimes ended at a crossroads.
But here I am standing strong and proud,
and I don’t have the slightest doubt.
I expressed myself and I am proud,
and I will say that clearly and loudly.
2 thoughts on “Being Powerful Creator”
Beautiful <3 Res čudovito zajeto, neverjetno bogastvo, v mladi duši. Bravo življenje, pa tudi mami in teta! <3
Hvala Maja 🙂 se strinjam, te mlade duše imajo v sebi toliko modrosti; je na nas, da jim pomagamo, da jo lahko prenesejo med nas in naprej za razvoj vseh ! Vabim tebe in tvoji srčici, da delite svojo #bepowerfulandfree story, same izberete obliko 😉
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